Author name: cgim

2013–PhD Dissertation Nikhil V. Navkar

Visual Force-Feedback Interfacing for Image-Guided Telemanipulated Robotic Surgical System Nikhil V. Navkar PhD Dissertation , Department of Computer Science, University of Houston, 2013 [More Information]


A Framework for Integrating real-time MRI with Robot Control: Application to Simulated Transapical Cardiac Interventions Nikhil Navkar, Zhigang Deng, Dipan J. Shah, and Nikos V. Tsekos IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering (TBME) , April 2013, 60(4), pp. 1023-1033. [pdf]


Generating Freestyle Group Formation in Agent-based Crowd Simulation Qin Gu, and Zhigang Deng IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications (CG&A) , 33(1), Jan/Feb 2013, pp. 14-25. [Featured Cover Article ] [Video] [pdf]


A Robust High Capacity Affine-Transformation-Invariant Scheme for Watermarking 3D Geometric Models Xifeng Gao, Caiming Zhang, Yan Huang, and Zhigang Deng ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications and Applications (TOMCCAP) , volume 8, number 2S, Article 34, pages 1-21, September 2012 [pdf]


A Statistical Quality Model for Data-Driven Speech Animation Xiaohan Ma, and Zhigang Deng IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (TVCG) , 18(11), Nov 2012, pp. 1915-1927 [Video] [pdf]


A Surface-based 3D Dendritic Spine Detection Approach from Confocal Microscopy Images Qing Li, and Zhigang Deng IEEE Transactions on Image Processing (TIP) , March 2012, 21(3), pp. 1223-1230 [pdf] [source code]


Intraoperative Registration of Preoperative 4D Cardiac Anatomy with real-time MR images Xifeng Gao, Nikhil Navkar, Dipan J. Shah, Nikos V. Tsekos, and Zhigang Deng Proc. of IEEE International Conference on BioInformatics and BioEngineering (BIBE) 2012 , Larnaca, Cyprus, Nov 11-13, 2012, pp. 583-588. [pdf]


Live Speech Driven Head-and-Eye Motion Generators Binh H. Le, Xiaohan Ma, and Zhigang Deng IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (TVCG) , 18(11), Nov 2012, pp. 1902-1914 [Video] [pdf] [Errata Correction and Appendix for COA Calculation]

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