Inherent Noise-Aware Insect Swarm Simulation Xinjie Wang, Xiaogang Jin, Zhigang Deng, and Linling Zhou Computer Graphics Forum (CGF) , 33(6), September 2014, pp. 51-62 [Video] [pdf] [Source Code]
Inherent Noise-Aware Insect Swarm Simulation Xinjie Wang, Xiaogang Jin, Zhigang Deng, and Linling Zhou Computer Graphics Forum (CGF) , 33(6), September 2014, pp. 51-62 [Video] [pdf] [Source Code]
GPU-Accelerated Interactive Visualization and Planning of Neurosurgical Interventions Mario Rincon, Nikhil Navkar, Nikos Tsekos, and Zhigang Deng IEEE Computer Graphics and Application (CG&A) , Jan/Feb 2014, pp. 14-23. [pdf]
AA-FVDM: An Accident-Avoidance Full Velocity Difference Model for Animating Realistic Street-Level Traffic in Rural Scenes Xuequan Lu, Wenzhi Chen, Mingliang Xu, Zonghui Wang, Zhigang Deng, and Yangdong Ye Computer Animation and Virtual Worlds Journal , 25(1), Jan/Feb 2014, pp. 83-97. [pdf]