
A Linear Wave Propagation based Simulation Model for Dense and Polarized Crowds Qiang Chen, Guoliang Luo, Xiaogang Jin, and Zhigang Deng, Computer Animation and Virtual Worlds Journal , Wiley press, Jan/Feb 2021, 32(1), e1977. [Video] [pdf]


Low-level Characterization of Expressive Head Motion through Frequency Domain Analysis Yu Ding, Lei Shi, and Zhigang Deng IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing (TAC) , 11(3), July/September 2020, pages 405-418. [pdf]


How can I see My Future? FvTraj: Using First-person View for Pedestrian Trajectory Prediction Huikun Bi, Ruisi Zhang, Tianlu Mao, Zhigang Deng, and Zhaoqi Wang, Proceeding of European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV) 2020 , August 23-28, 2020, pp. 576 – 593. [pdf]


Motion Planning for Convertible Indoor Scene Layout Design Motion Planning for Convertible Indoor Scene Layout Design IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics , 27(12), December 2021, pp. 4413 – 4424. [pdf]


Emotion-based Crowd Simulation Model Based on Physical Strength Consumption for Emergency Scenarios Mingliang Xu, Chaochao Li, Pei Lv, Wei Chen, Zhigang Deng, Bing Zhou, and Dinesh Manocha, IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems , 22(11), Nov 2021, pp. 6977 – 6991 [pdf]


Indoor Layout Programming via Virtual Navigation Detectors Qiang Fu, Hongbo Fu, Zhigang Deng, and Xueming Li, Science China – Information Science , Springer press, August 2022, vol 65, pp. 189101:1–189101:2. [pdf]


Curve Skeleton Extraction from 3D Point Clouds through Hybrid Feature Point Shifting and Clustering Hailong Hu, Zhong Li, Xiaogang Jin, Zhigang Deng, Yi Shen, and Minhong Chen Computer Graphics Forum (CGF) , 39(6), Sep 2020, pp. 111-132. [pdf]


Real-time Face Video Swapping From A Single Portrait Luming Ma, and Zhigang Deng, Proceeding of ACM SIGGRAPH Symposium on Interactive 3D Graphics and Games (I3D) 2020 , May 2020, San Francisco, CA, Article 3, pages 3:1-3:10. [Video] [pdf]

2020-PhD Dissertation Luming Ma

Real-time Facial Performance Capture and Manipulation Luming Ma PhD Dissertation , Department of Computer Science, University of Houston, 2020 [More information]


Contour-based 3D Modeling through Joint Embedding of Shapes and Contours Aobo Jin, Qiang Fu, and Zhigang Deng, Proceeding of ACM SIGGRAPH Symposium on Interactive 3D Graphics and Games (I3D) 2020 , May 2020, San Francisco, CA, Article 9, pages 9:1-9:10 [Video] [pdf]

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