2015-SCA Proceeding

Proceeding of the 14th ACM SIGGRAPH/Eurographics Symposium on Computer Animation (SCA) 2015 Jernej Barbic, Zhigang Deng, Florence Bertails-Descoubes, and Stelian Coros (Editors) Los Angeles, CA, August 7-9, 2015. [pdf]


Hexahedral Mesh Re-parameterization from Aligned Base Domains Xifeng Gao, Zhigang Deng, and Guoning Chen ACM Transactions on Graphics (Proc. of ACM SIGGRAPH 2015 Papers) , 34(4), July 2015, Article 142, 10 pages. [Video] [pdf]

2015–PhD Dissertation Xifeng Gao

Towards High Quality Hexahedral Meshes: Generation, Optimization, and Evaluation Xifeng Gao PhD Dissertation , Department of Computer Science, University of Houston, 2015 [pdf] [More Information]


Vehicle-Pedestrian Interaction for Mixed Traffic Simulation Qianwen Chao, Zhigang Deng, and Xiaogang Jin Computer Animation and Virtual Worlds Journal , CASA 2015 Special Issue, 26(3-4), May-August 2015, pp. 405-412. [One of most cited CAVW papers published in the past five years, according to Google Scholar Metrics in 2019 ] [Video] [pdf]


An Efficient Lane Model for Complex Traffic Simulation Tianlu Mao, Hua Wang, Zhigang Deng, and Zhaoqi Wang Computer Animation and Virtual Worlds Journal , CASA 2015 Special Issue, 26(3-4), May-August 2015, pp. 397-403. [pdf]


Spectral Animation Compression Yang Liu, Chao Wang, Xiaohu Guo, Zichun Zhong, Binh H. Le, and Zhigang Deng Journal of Computer Science and Technology (JCST) , CVM’15 Special Issue, 30(3), May 2015, pp. 540-552. [pdf]


A Practical Model for Live Speech Driven Lip-Sync Li Wei, and Zhigang Deng IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications (CG&A) , 35(2), March/April 2015, pp. 50-58. [Video] [pdf]


GPU-based Polygonization and Optimization for Implicit Surfaces Junjie Chen, Xiaogang Jin, and Zhigang Deng The Visual Computer (TVC) , 31(2), Feb 2015, pp. 119-130. [pdf]


Collective Crowd Formation Transform with Mutual Information based Runtime Feedback Mingliang Xu, Yunpeng Wu, Yangdong Ye, Illes Farkas, Hao Jiang, and Zhigang Deng Computer Graphics Forum (CGF) , 34(1), 2015, pp. 60-73. [Video] [pdf]

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