

A Deep Learning based Model for Head and Eye Motion Generation in Three-party Conversations
Aobo Jin, Qixin Deng, Yuting Zhang, and Zhigang Deng,
Proceeding of the ACM on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques (PACMCGIT) , Special Issue for ACM SIGGRAPH/Eurographics Symposium on Computer Animation (SCA) 2019, July 2019, 2(2), Article 9, pp. 9:1-9:19.


ODE-driven Sketch-based Organic Modeling
Ouwen Lee, Zhigang Deng, Shaojun Bian, Ismail Kazmi, Xiaogang Jin, Lihua You, and Jian Jun Zhang
Proceeding of Computer Graphics International 2019 , 2019, pp. 453-460.


Screwing Assembly Oriented Interactive Model Segmentation in HMD VR Environment
Xiaoqiang Zhu, Lei Song, Nan Wang, Ruiheng Zhang, Shenshuai Chen, Xiangyang Wang, Mengyao Zhu, Lihua You, Zhigang Deng, and Xiaogang Jin,
Computer Animation and Virtual Worlds Journal , Special issue for CASA'2019, 30(3-4), July/August 2019, e1880


Shape-constrained Flying Insects Animation
Qiang Chen, Guoliang Luo, Yang Tong, Xiaogang Jin, and Zhigang Deng,
Computer Animation and Virtual Worlds Journal , Special issue for CASA'2019, 30(3-4), July/August 2019, e1902.


3D Mesh Animation Compression based on Adaptive Spatio-temporal Segmentation
Guoliang Luo, Zhigang Deng, Wei Zeng, Xin Zhao, Xiaogang Jin, Hyewon Seo, and Wenqiang Xie,
Proc. of ACM SIGGRAPH Symposium on Interactive 3D Graphics and Games (I3D) , Montreal, Canada, May 2019, Article 10, pp. 10:1-10:10.


Real-Time Hierarchical Facial Performance Capture
Luming Ma, and Zhigang Deng,
Proc. of ACM SIGGRAPH Symposium on Interactive 3D Graphics and Games (I3D) , Montreal, Canada, May 2019, Article 11, pp. 11:1-11:10.

2021-TSMC-Crowd Behavior Simulation

Crowd Behavior Simulation with Emotional Contagion in Unexpected Multi-hazard Situations
Mingliang Xu, Xiaozheng Xie, Pei Lv, Hua Wang, Yubo Guo, Zhigang Deng, and Bin Zhou
IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems (TSMC) , March 2021, 51(3), pp. 1567- 1581.


Inter-session Reliability and Within-session Stability of a Novel Perception-Action Coupling Task
Chris Connaboy, Caleb D. Johnson, Alice D. LaGoy, Gert-Jan Pepping, Richard J. Simpson, Zhigang Deng, Luming Ma, Joanne L. Bower, Shawn R. Eagle, Shawn D. Flanagan, and Candice A. Alfano
Aerospace Medicine and Human Performance , Aerospace Medical Association, 90(2), Feb 2019, pp. 77-83.


A Deep Learning based Framework for Intersectional Traffic Simulation and Editing
Huikun Bi, Tianlu Mao, Zhaoqi Wang, and Zhigang Deng
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics , 26(7), July 2020, pages 2335-2348.


Motion-aware Compression and Transmission of Mesh Animation Sequences
Bailin Yang, Luhong Zhang, Frederick Li, Xiaoheng Jiang, Zhigang Deng, Meng Wang, and Mingliang Xu
ACM Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technology , 19(3), April 2019, April 25, pp. 25:1 - 25:21.


Biologically Inspired Ant Colony Simulation
Xiang Wei, Jiaping Ren, Kuan Wang, Zhigang Deng, and Xiaogang Jin
Computer Animation and Virtual Worlds , 30(5), September/October 2019, e1867.


Online Global Non-rigid Registration for 3D Object Reconstruction Using Consumer-level Depth Cameras
Jiamin Xu, Weiwei Xu, Yin Yang, Zhigang Deng, Hujun Bao
Computer Graphics Forum , Special Issue for Pacific Graphics 2018, 37(7), Oct 2018, pp. 1-12.


Blur Measurement for Partially Blurred Images with Saliency Constrained Global Re nement
Xianyong Fang, Qingqing Guo, Cheng Ding, Linbo Wang, and Zhigang Deng
Proc. of Pacific Rim Conference on Multimedia (PCM) , 2018, Hefei, China, September 2018, pp. 338-349.

2018–Handbook of Human Motion

Handbook of Human Motion
Bertram Muller, Sebastian I. Wolf, Gert-Peter B. ̈ggemann, Zhigang Deng, Andrew S. McIntosh, Freeman Miller, W. Scott Selbie (Editors)
Springer Press , April 2018, total 3 volumes, 2500+ pages.


A Fast Garment Fitting Algorithm Using Skeleton based Error Metric
Nannan Wu, Zhigang Deng, Dongliang Zhang, and Xiaogang Jin
Computer Animation and Virtual Worlds Journal , Special Issue for CASA'2018, 29(3-4), May/August 2018.


An Emotion Evolution based Model for Group Behavior Simulation
Hao Jiang, Zhigang Deng, Mingliang Xu, Xiangjun He, Tianlu Mao, and Zhaoqi Wang
Proceeding of ACM SIGGRAPH Symposium on Interactive 3D Graphics and Games (SI3D) 2018 , Montreal, Quebec, Canada, May 2018. pp. 10:1-10:6.


Photorealistic Avatar and Teen Physical Activity: Feasibility and Preliminary Efficacy
Deborah Thompson, Dora Cantu, Chishinga Callender, Yan Liu, Madhur Rajendran, Mayur Rajendran, Yuting Zhang, and Zhigang Deng
Games for Health Journal , Mary Ann Liebert, Inc. publisher, Volume 7, Number 2, April 2018, pages. 143-150.
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